The Basics
- Company: Gameday Couture
- Product: Fashionable sports apparel for women
- Owner: Shawnna and Kurt Feddersen
- Asking Price: $500,000 for 20% equity
- Final Deal: $500,000 for 33% equity, on condition of creating a fashion line for Dallas Mavericks
- Shark Who Took The Bait: Mark Cuban
- Season/Episode: Season 6, Episode 11
Gameday Couture Before Shark Tank
Shawnna and Kurt Feddersen are from Oklahoma (in case you couldn’t tell by the spelling of their names), and they’re out to solve one of life’s most common problems: you want to support your boyfriend’s sports team, but you have nothing to wear.
The charismatic couple founded Gameday Coutoure in 2014 to create fashionable sports apparel for women, working with NBA and NCAA teams to create unique, fashionable clothing lines with feminine touches.
Gameday Couture On Shark Tank: A Quick Recap
It’s hard to focus on Shawnna and Kurt when their stage display is so distracting – a large and glittering display of sparkling, sequined women’s tops, all decked out in sports logos, MVP player numbers, and team colors. Hats, hoodies, t-shirts, tunics, leggings, skirts, you name it. It’s all there, and it’s all adorable. “High-quality fabrics, at competitive price points,” says Kurt, reminding us that the product is not just cute but functional and durable, too.
“We’re a success in the South, but we want to dress fans from all over,” Shawnna continues.
Robert Herjavec interjects with an insightful question, seeing as he has invested in a clothing business that has recently learned how expensive it is to acquire logo licensing from each college and university. “How many colleges and universities do you have licensing from?”
“As it stands right now, we’ve got about 37 licenses, with a few more in the works,” says Kurt, eager to show that they are capable of playing by big-kid rules.

Gameday Couture
Running the Numbers
The models pass out samples of gear and apparel while the sharks dig into the numbers.
- Annual sales: $750,000 last year; $1.5 million projected
- Average wholesale cost: $22
- Retail price: $44
- Cost of production: $8
- Profit margin: 64% wholesale; 82% retail
- Projected earnings on $1.5 million sales: $100,000 in revenue
Lori interjects to say that she recently bought a blinged-out, bedazzled sports team hoodie of her own, but the price point was $60-some odd dollars. Whereas, with Gameday Couture, the price point is much lower and more affordable. The brand has a much better chance of appealing to the masses and selling well.
They’ve also worked hard to procure something called an “alumni cut,” at a competitive price point, which helps grow their student and university customer base.
The Bidding
Kevin scolds them for not being proprietary, and for not knowing their own value. “I think you overpriced your business, and I think you’re worth about $750,000.” (In retrospect, this is deliciously ironic, given that the company did $20 million in sales just two years after this episode aired.) Kevin is first to drop out.
Daymond is next, and then Robert.
Mark wants to know how their business is doing online – as he thinks most of their business should be online. They’re doing well, but not as well as he’d like to see. After realizing that it was a matter of proving themselves to their licensing partners with store orders, rather than vague online fellowship, Mark seems confident enough in the business and makes an offer – with a caveat.
“I’m going to make you an offer for the full $500,000, for 30% equity, but there’s a caveat. And I’m not going to tell you what that caveat is until you answer the offer. So you’re going to have to trust me a little bit.”
Josh and Sara take only a moment to mull it over, before happily accepting Mark’s offer. (And the caveat? They have to make a line for the team Mark Cuban owns – the Dallas Mavericks.)
Final Deal: $500,000 for 30%, with a custom line for the Dallas Mavericks
Gameday Couture After Shark Tank: Where Are They Now?
Gameday Couture is one of the most successful companies – and best investments – that Mark Cuban has ever played a role in lifting out of obscurity.
In 2018 alone, Gameday Couture racked up a staggering $20 million in revenue.
Their full product line is sold directly online, through Amazon, at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Social House Boutique, and tons of other retail locations around the country.
Gameday Couture consistently tops internet lists of the best Shark Tank investments and the most successful Shark Tank companies of all time.
The company’s Instagram boasts nearly 30,000 followers, while the Gameday Couture Facebook page has more than 318,000 followers.
Needless to say, this women’s fashion line didn’t just score a touch down with sports fans – they changed the whole game, for fashionistas, designers, entrepreneurs, and investors.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is strictly informational; Seo Insights is not affiliated with Gameday Couture, SharkTank, or any of its subsidiaries.