The identification of what a web user intended or wanted during their initial search query.
An API is an Application Programming Interface. A Google API is developed in order to allow Google services to integrate with other services. A couple of examples would be Android, Firebase, Web, Cloud Platform, Map, Search, GMail, Translate, TensorFlow and more.
The API provides Google Analytic services and has predictive service through machine learning that allow information and data to be weaved from program to program b.
Googles API is available to developers of Python, PHP, Java, Javascript,.NET, Objective-C, and a couple others.
A demographic typically applied to individuals born between 1982 and 2004. There have been many variations with the date and age range for this group, but what defines the characteristics of the Millennials is that the group grew up in a digitally infused online social world. A generation that through various statistics from the Pew Research show up to be less politically unaffiliated, religiously unaffiliated, and have a more progressive outlook in general.