Google AdWords Advertising & Pay-per-click or PPC, as it is generally referred to, is regarded as one of the best online advertising channels that should necessarily be a part of any marketing strategy. The ultimate aim of PPC is to encourage targeted traffic to your website.
When users perform Internet searches, the results are assessed and ranked; accordingly, they appear higher up or lower down on the page—this is known as ‘organic SEO’ and is based on the kind of content the website has, internal links, keywords, headers and other criteria. The higher the website is ranked, the greater the traffic but it takes quite a while for a website to make it to the top.
In contrast, Pay-per-click is a fast and simple way to extend the outreach of your website and has been known to offer instant results and huge rewards. It’s also highly measurable and that means you can constantly tweak your strategy to improve your results.
So how does PPC advertising work? By advertising online, companies can connect with customers who are interested in searching for a product or a service. When an ad is clicked on, the visitor is directed to that website; the advertiser pays search engines a small fee for each prospect. If the click results in a conversion then the company makes a profit. In a sense then the advertiser is buying visits to the site rather than earning visits organically.
Search engines like Google, place a great onus on quality ads that are popular with users and always rewards good performance. Those advertisers that can create relevantly, targeted ads are charged less for ad clicks. High-quality ads thus increase click-through rates for advertisers and lower the cost per click for them.
PPC marketing is thus good for searchers as they tend to click on paid search ads more frequently than on other forms of advertising. And as Google ensures that PPC ads meet users’ needs, they have a good thing going for them. It’s very good for advertisers too as these people have a unique way of actively engaging an audience that is searching for their products. Search engines too benefit by catering to users and advertisers at the same time—they give users what they want while advertisers pay these engines for instant results in the form of increased traffic to their websites.
Google AdWords is a popular search engine marketing or SEM marketing platform used by search marketers. It helps marketers and advertisers to manage and measure their campaigns effectively and efficiently.
So we see that though PPC isn’t something that can magically transform a company overnight, it is an essential part of any strategy that’s directed at increased conversions. After all, if you’re paying for people to visit your site, it makes sense to ensure that visitors stay on your website and get converted to customers.
Research your PPC campaign well to see what works best and how you can utilize your budget effectively and optimally.
Seo Insights can manage your paid search advertising. We can do pay per click for Facebook, Twitter or Google AdWords.
When your online advertising budget is managed by us we can create a cost-effective campaign that can complement your inbound marketing efforts. We establish a clear objective together in order to generate as much exposure and business as we can at the smallest cost.
We can launch ads quickly and bring you targeted traffic along with qualified leads to your website. Not only do we track your results but we make sure your Pay Per Click or Google AdWords campaign have an ROI. (Return on Investment)
We can create the traffic and exposure for you to help establish your business as a leader in your industry.
It’s important to use different strategies and tools with Google AdWords.
At Seo Insights we use long tail keywords to direct traffic to specific products or services.
We can also direct ad traffic to specific geographic locations in order to segment your efforts and track them.
We will also make sure that the quality of your ads landing page helps Google position you higher within the PPC so that you don’t pay too much per bid.
For the best Pay Per Click packages, Seo Insights is the place to call or message.