Premier internet marketing company Seo Insights has partnered with Casa Marianella to launch an annual fundraiser, Missions Giving. The goal of this fundraiser is to raise $10,000 to support thousands of homeless immigrants in Austin, Texas.
The fundraiser will be hosted on the GoFundMe crowdfunding platform to collect substantial donations from the fundraiser’s participants and receive steady promotion on social media. All proceeds will be used to provide necessary support to destitute immigrants during this year’s holiday season.
Seo Insights Partners with Casa Marianella
To ameliorate the conditions of homeless immigrants in Austin Texas, Seo Insights has partnered with Casa Marianella, a homeless shelter for immigrants providing housing and support services since 1986. Seo Insights co-founder and marketing director Rolando Hererra, the son of immigrant parents, believes that this fundraiser can help improve the lives of struggling immigrants in Austin, Texas during the holidays.
“As the child of immigrant parents, I experienced the difficulty of making ends meet first-hand in my childhood. That’s why I felt an instant connection with Casa Marianella and their mission to improve the lives of destitute immigrants through shelter and support services to make sure they are not forgotten during the holiday season”
The objective of the Missions Giving is not only to raise money for poor immigrants, but to also remind these individuals that they are cared for and supported by their community.
Thanksgiving Day Set as Mission Givings Deadline
Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018, has been set as the deadline for the Missions Giving fundraiser. Thanksgiving and Christmas are widely-known for being family-oriented holidays where people can spend time with their families and express gratefulness for their individual blessings.
Casa Marianella director Jennifer Long expects this fundraiser to demonstrate how a united community can impact the lives of homeless immigrants.
“The Missions Giving fundraiser is much more than a campaign to raise money for our community’s homeless immigrants. We decided to undergo this cause to show these people that they have not been forgotten and that there are caring people in the community that want to uplift their spirits. That’s why we’re extremely grateful for Seo Insights’s role in this fundraiser to show these people how an entire community can mobilize together on their behalf.”
With the Missions Giving deadline set for Thanksgiving Day, the raised funds can be effectively allocated to poverty-stricken immigrants who have experienced massive difficulties acclimating to their new surrounding in the United States.
Casa Marianella’s Impact on Homeless Immigrants
For more than 30 years, Casa Marianella has assisted thousands of homeless immigrants in Austin, Texas. From providing customary housing to offering educational English classes, Casa Marianella has changed the lives of countless immigrants through the donations of several acclaimed organizations including the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas, American Gateways, CommUnityCare Health Centers, Episcopal Service Corps, Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Keep Austin Housed, Raices, Refugees Services of Texas, and Workers Defense Project, just to name a few.
By partnering with Seo Insights, both sponsors will strive to financially and intrinsically improve the lives of homeless immigrants throughout the Austin area.
If you would like to donate to this cause, please visit our GoFundMe page for more information about how you can give and spread the word.