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Learning SEO Development and Programming

by Tom Bowen
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While extensive knowledge of programming is not required to be a successful SEO practitioner, today’s expanding digital marketplace is demanding a more comprehensive understanding of website development from producers of SEO material. Someone with an in-depth knowledge of technical SEO can develop a website with nothing more than a text editor.

SEO specialists and website developers both count on the use of search engines extensively as a daily part of their jobs, though the actual items searched are vastly different in content and usage. Technical SEO and SEO developers often use searches of programming error messages to provide answers and solutions to complicated, technical issues associated with SEO and site development.

What to Know About SEO and Programming

Digital marketers who specialize in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have traditionally focused the bulk of their time and energy on ever-changing parameters for effective content writing and other optimization efforts. Practitioners of SEO marketing campaigns are finding that understanding the basics of how website programming and design work can provide keys to getting an edge in the extremely crowded and competitive online marketplace.

Successful SEO specialists are not required to have extensive knowledge of programming methods and practices. However, a working understanding of the basics of website development can provide added skills and knowledge that can help SEO practitioners to see results faster and with more sustainability.

Essential Things to Know About SEO and Programming

Programmers create, update search engines: Learning how search engines like Google and Bing are built and maintained can give you valuable insight into how to make websites more effective search engine targets.

Think like a programmer: The problem-solving skills required for programming and developing websites will help you break down similar problems in the execution of SEO practices. Learning the basics of programming allows for a clearer understanding of the technical background of the process. You will be able to properly communicate with developers in their terms and develop a problem-solving mentality that will serve you in implementing SEO plans.

Better API integration: Learning the basics of coding and scripting languages can open up a whole new world of Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs. SEO tools from Majestic and SEMRush offer API options that combine massive amounts of data from multiple tools to create customized reports.

The efficiency of a programmer: Programming processes and techniques are always changing. A big part of the job is testing what works against variables and adaptations to find the best parts that fit in the best places for the betterment of overall form and functionality. Learning the automation techniques, programmers create for repetitive tasks develops a valuable efficiency component for your SEO practices.

Analyze this: The structured, analytical thinking necessary for the tedious act of website programming will help improve the planning and workflow efficiency of your SEO implantation tasks.

Essential Programming Knowledge to Improve SEO Efficiency

A well-rounded working knowledge and a basic understanding of the technology behind the programming and developing of the websites SEO practitioners work with will improve the efficiency of the marketing plan and increase the chances of success.

Learning how the technology of web design and programming can be an intimidating, daunting task, especially for digital marketers who have focused on writing and marketing skills to get their job done. Breaking down the complexities of web tech terminology and applications can give you confidence in the methodologies and processes used to boost rankings and conversions.

Actionable Technical Tips for Optimizing Your Website

 Mobile Responsiveness

Google algorithm updates in 2015 gave significant increases in preferences to mobile responsive websites, resulting in some top-ranked websites being penalized for not having a mobile-friendly website design. There are services available online to check if your website mobile-friendly optimization efforts meet Google’s new criteria, including:

  • Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test
  • HubSpot’s Website Grader
  • Bing’s Mobile Friendliness Test Tool
  • GTMetrix

XML Sitemap

Google uses your XML sitemaps to locate and index your site’s webpages. Sitemaps are simple to create and often be generated within your Content Management Systems. Completed XML sitemaps submitted to Google will allow the search engine to find and prioritize your content.

Website Speed

Slow-loading websites are penalized by Google and other major search engines. If it takes a long time for pages to load, you will face a penalty that will affect your rankings and visibility, which can ultimately impact your bottom line.

Steps to take to improve the speed of your site include:

  • Optimize images
  • Enable caching
  • Enable compression
  • Reduce server response time
  • Use Content Delivery System (CDN)

Regular Site Audits

Weekly technical audits will help to identify problem areas that can leave you vulnerable to ranking slides. Online tools like SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs all over audits of all technical aspects throughout your site. These programs will point out warnings, errors, and other technical issues, and offer solutions to improve the overall performance of your website.

Include Keywords in Image Alt Text

Inputting and updating the text to image metadata and image alt text fields will allow Google to see and index image content. Image alt text content describes the image’s relevance and function within the context of the page and the site.

SSL Certification

SSL certification enabling encrypted connections not only provides crucial added security for your website but also enhances SERP rankings and overall SEO performance.

Programming Knowledge Increases SEO Chances of Success

The world of digital marketing is a continually changing landscape with shifting priorities and parameters. A basic understanding of the processes and technology behind the programming and development aspect of website operation will help you get the most out of your SEO efforts

Get Started with Insignia

Looking for assistance boosting your search engine rankings? It is said that SEO is hard to do – yet easy to mess up. Leave it to the professionals: the skilled SEO and marketing professionals at Seo Insights are here to help! Contact a member of our team today and let us know how we can help you achieve your business goals.

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